Vote for me for Agvocacy Awards!

Earlier this month, I received a phone call that I had made the list of finalists for the Woman of the Year for AG CONNECT Expo 2011, for agriculture advocacy. This was a total surprise to me and I won a Flip Ultra HD camera! I had a short time to use my new camera to make a 3-minute video about myself and why I advocate for agriculture.

For a time, I was in over my head! I loved playing with the camera, but I'm usually on the back side of it--not in front of it! I am comfortable talking on camera--I'd just rather not be on camera! And then, the next step was editing the footage and adding still photographs. After a few stressful days, I finally completed the project. Here is my video....and don't forget to go vote for me here:!

Looks like you can vote every day, up to 50 times a day! Omigosh...well, vote today and vote often! November 24 through December 9! Thanks for your help.

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