25 things you might not know about me

Even though I write about my life and my kids and my cows...(you get the picture)...I don't usually write about "Me!" Because of a writing prompt in Everyday Mama's Blog Hop, I decided to find 25 things you might not know about me! So here we go:

1. I used to be a perfectionist--having five kids in 4 1/2 years changed all that! There is now no such thing as perfection in my life.

2. I have one sister...that's it! I figured that 2 kids would complete my amazing life--until Baby #3, then #4 & #5 came along! Wow! I had no idea big families were this fun.

3. My favorite color is green--I like various shades of green, but green it is!

4. Sitting still is hard for me, so on year, on vacation I taught myself to tat lace. Seriously!

5. I finished college in 3 1/2 years--I met this amazing guy who graduated and moved away and I was anxious to get on with my life, so I took 23 hours a couple semesters and hustled up my college experience. We've been married for 22 years now. :)

6. I love to cook, but I hate doing dishes. Online recipes are my newest passion.

7. My desk is always piled up--I am a "piler" not a "filer." Which often causes problems because my husband is Filer.

8. I wear flip flops all summer long--and I don't know how to walk quietly in them! "FLIP--FLOP!"

9. My friends say I have a terrible poker face--whatever I am thinking is written on my face. Oh, and I talk with my hands. Don't sit too close to me!

10. My favorite drink is lime margaritas on the rocks with salt on the rim...okay, you may have already known that. But it is important!

11. I love to camp and snow ski--not together, but those are labor intensive activities for the mom and I LOVE them.

12. I used to work for a radio station...which worked nicely with my loud, deep voice. As a kid my mom used to shush me saying, "shhhhh, your voice carries!"

13. My hair grows very fast--you might see me with long hair one day and short hair the next. I cut about 8 inches off it about every 5 years. I get tired of ponytails.

14. I don't lie--I can't stand liars. I might share too much information, but it is never a lie.

15. I paint my toenails--usually dark purple!

16. I love cowboy boots--dress boots, work boots, everyday boots...I have them all and wear them lots!

17. I am a techie nerd. I taught myself HTML programming years ago to make a website for my parents' ranch. I even scrapbook digitally--I can't sit at a table with a cricut or whatever it is...I do it in Photoshop!

18. Speaking of scrapbooking, I only have one book started for my five kids. The photos are all stuffed in a set of drawers or on a hard drive and one day I'll have time to put them all together...yeah, right!

19. I was born in Ohio at the university hospital. So I'm a Buckeye deep down, although on the surface I'm a Kstate wildcat...I do bleed purple!

20. I love to read, but don't have much time so I listen to the bestsellers on audio book. Have you read/heard The Help on audiobook? AWESOME!

21. I love to make Christmas presents. We once had a totally "homemade" Christmas and I loved it!

22. I cry at weddings--and funerals--whether I know the person, or not!

23. I am a huge Harry Potter fan! I re-read all the books and watch the movies all the time.

24. Lattes are my favorite--Starbucks/McDonalds/Caribou... or even homemade from my own kitchen.

25. The most difficult 12 weeks of my life were when I was pregnant with the twins and I was on total bedrest. I had 3 toddlers and couldn't even stand up to cook them supper. I had help all day and night to care for them while I did what I needed to do for my twins. They were born 5 1/2 weeks early and were perfectly healthy at 6 lbs 2 oz, and 6 lbs 4 oz. Identical boys and we are so blessed I could carry them so close to term.

So there you have it....25 things you may not have known about me! Your turn....


  1. Loved to read this!! We have a few things in common.

    Sarah from The House That Ag Built

  2. I loooooooooooove this!!!! We have lotsa in common, how am I not shocked by that?

    Packing my camper this week, leave tomorrow, totally not ready to go. Been thinking of you all week, you get my love of camping with my boys!(@life4boys)

  3. Thanks for joining in the Blog Hop! YOU AND ME = Soul Mates!! Love my boots and I too piler...you should see my desk...embarrassing :)

  4. A flip flop wearing, techie, cattle rancher... interesting... Sounds about like me! Well, without the cattle... but I did grow up on a farm in Oklahoma! (That counts, right?) And I will have land again before it's all over with!


  5. #7, me too. And every night I sit at my desk and stare at it trying to motivate myself to get the filing done.

  6. Wow! We have lots in common...I love me some summer flip flop! My son is the sweat pant cowboy (sweats and boots with cowboy hat, I'm the flip flop cowgirl!!! I love me some piles on my desk...if its put away, I can't find it! I also graduated KSU early...for my beau! We've been married 6 years! (EMAW!)There's more, but I won't go on! Thanks for sharing!


  7. Denise: I am excited to be camping Labor Day weekend! That is our tradition with my parents. We can't go far because they will be calving, but we do get away and enjoy campfire food!

  8. Sarah, it doesn't surprise me we have some things in common! So cool!

  9. Everyday Mama: so glad I found your blog & this blog hop! Fun to see info beyond the typical in bloggers I follow!

  10. Brandon, I even sold a bull while wearing flip flops this spring! Walking through the bull pen may be messy but toes are washable!

  11. Simper fi momma: I would love to learn how to file...but is it nature or nurture? Am I doomed to be a piker my whole life? If so, I need a way to help my hubby understand that!

  12. Lori: do the blog hop and post your own list! I'd love to read your 25 list! And I think I need to see your son in boots & sweats! Boys can do that...especially little boys! :)

  13. I'm Kansas born and raised, spent some time in the Army, got married, lived in Chicago for 20+ years and came back home to live. We've been back since 1989.
    I've been through the Flint Hills many times and always wondered who owned all those cattle on all those beautiful hills. Now I know. :) I always think how wonderful it must be to live there and ranch. My grandparents were farmers up north and I absolutely loved every time I got to stay with them. I loved being on the farm and doing all the things for my grandparents that I could. I've done just about everything but slaughter and that's only because my granpa and dad thought I shouldn't see that. I hope when I get to heaven that I will be living on a farm/ranch on rolling hills. :) Thanks for sharing your life with us.

  14. Just discovered your blog. Love the pictures of the Flint Hills. I'm from Junction City, went to KU, English major, 1963. Have been in Chicago since l968. For the last several years I have tried to paint the Flint Hills--one particular scene is driving west on I-70 from Topeka at the spot where you get to the highest point and look out and there are those rolling hills, spacious skies and beautiful clouds. It thrills me every time I see it but I can't seem to paint it. I love farms. I used to like the smell of barns. Once, when my kids who are now in their 30s were 5 and 9, I took them to see the barn at Lincoln Park Zoo. They couldn't stand the smell and wanted to leave immediately. I guess I'm still a country girl with citified kids.


Let's talk!

Thank you for reading! If you like this post, I would appreciate any comments and shares. You can see a bit more about me and my family here, and connect with me on facebook and twitter! Please do! Connecting is the WHOLE POINT of blogging! I'd love to hear from you.