If I wanted to know what goes on in a steel mill, I'd ask a steel mill worker...so I hope if you are interested in what happens on a farm, you would ask a farmer! But conversation is a 2-way street. In order to have your questions answered, you need to be able to connect with a farmer. There are many, many farmers and ranchers in America trying to do just that--talk with consumers about where their food comes from. But we still need more people willing to have that conversation!
Today on the RamZone.com blog, I have written a guest post about joining the conversation.
Year of the Farmer | Debbie Lyons-Blythe: Farmers, It's Time to Join the Conversation!
Making hay, hauling hay, building fences, vaccinating calves and
cheering at high school football games on Friday nights—I love the fall
season in Kansas. This time of year on the ranch, we are preparing for
the final harvest. The hay is mostly in bales, and we are as busy as
squirrels storing food for the winter—hauling the hay bales to barns and
stacks to save to feed the cows when the winter hits. That makes for
some late nights following the tractor and hay wagons home and some
early mornings heading out to check cattle before the late summer heat
makes them hide in the shade.
Farmers and ranchers are busy people. We don’t punch a time clock, but if we did....{Read More}
I must agree! I love this time of the year!:) Great post